The color blue calms the mind, and cools and soothes the physical body. Blue is associated with the Throat Chakra and helps with the following life issues: personal expression, ability to speak and listen, integrity, creative and artistic self-expression, wit and humor, and communication skills.
Blue Topaz brings energy to your mind’s eye. It stimulates self-confidence, knowledge, and encourages the ability to learn and think through challenges. Blue Topaz inspires creativity, focus, and activates a greater attention span. This stone gives you the ability to consciously think through ideas in order to articulate clearly what you do or do not want in this life. Blue Topaz is a peaceful and calming stone as well. Perfect for meditation or connecting with the Universe on a more spiritual level.
Jasper is a sacred protection stone; spiritual and physical protection. Jasper, also called “Egyptian Marble”, is known to provide security, protection, and nurturing. It is highly effective in relieving environmental stress. It cleanses the body of toxins and negativity. It repairs your overall spirit/aura and brings stability and balance.
Natural Agate stones are known for their ability to provide stability. Natural Agate brings harmony back into all aspects of life; mind, body, and spirit.
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